Bollywood movie star Esha Gupta who won the crown in the 2007 international beauty pageant in the movie industry and as a model is now turning up the heat with her body performance as the beloved character of Padde Boys.

Many bikini photos of Esha Gupta are currently doing the rounds on Bollywood movie heroes and heroines are often discussed for one reason or another. And is active on social media. Thus, to keep their fans and followers constantly active, they often come to the discussion through events that they do not have regularly.

Due to this, their fan craze will increase even more and for that they will wear a piece of clothing. In addition, more and more pictures are shared in bikini. Due to this the Padde boys become their fans. And the new generation of boys will get behind them.

If you are a bikini lover then follow Comment who you want to see in bikini.

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